General advices
As for previous meetings we are engaged in facilitating the attendance of young people, therefore we have a program to cover the registration fee for young researchers attending to the meeting and presenting an abstract. Gender balance, geographical distribution and origin from low and middle income countries will be considered as selection criteria.
If you want to ask for a fellowship you have to fill the appropriate registration form (see Registration Forms ) together with a request letter, a curriculum vitae including the publication list, a letter of support from your supervisor, and an abstract (the applicant should be first name).
The deadline for the application is November 22, 2023, before the end of the early registration period. The applicant will receive an email to confirm the acceptance or rejection of the application.
Qualification for asking fellowship
The applicantions will be accepted only from master students, PhD students, or Postdoct with no more than 5 years after the PhD degree.
The applicant should present an abstract as first name
The application should contain a short curriculum vitae including the publication list, a request letter signed by the applicants, a letter of support from the supervisor attesting his/her conditions
Number of fellowships
The number of fellowships is depending by the funds that we will receive from external sources.