Abstract preparation and submission
Deadline December 20, 2023
The abstracts of all invited lectures, posters, and selected oral communications (see Young Investigator Symposium) will be collected in a pdf booklet that will be available at the website.
The maximum size of the abstract is two A4 (european size) pages. The abstract must be sent to the email of the congress (neurosteroids@unito.it) together with the registration form and the payment receipt.
For the editorial procedure we can handle only files saved in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx suffixes). Please save the files also as RTF.
Abstract should be prepared on a maximum of two A4 page with margins of 2.5 cm on the top and the bottom, of 3 cm on the left and 2.5 on the right. The characters should be Times New Roman (for those who haven't this font, they are provided for free at the Microsoft site), size 12, spacing 1, fully justified.
The title of the abstract should be put in capital letters and bold style. Name of the authors (Family name, Abbreviations of First and Middle names) should follow on a separate line (again in bold, but not in capital). Put reminds (asterisks, or other symbols) after the authors' names to distinguish different institutions. On a separate line put the full address of the principal investigator (including the name of the institution, the name of the laboratory, the street, the postal code, the city, the country, the e-mail address), other institutions can be abbreviated. The text of the abstract will follow after one line spacing.
DO NOT use columns or sections' breaking in your text. Try also to avoid special signs in your text (e.g. greek letters or mathematical symbols), but in case you need to put them, please be sure they are clearly evident in the pdf copy and put a remind of their presence in the message accompaning the transmission of the file.
You can use references in your abstract, for homogeneity, please use the following rules:
in the text, the references shoud be indicated by numbers in square brackets. After the text of your abstract put, on a separate line, Reference List (in capital and bold, size 10). In the reference list they should be numbered and arranged in alphabetical order. Please use size 10 and spacing 1 for the reference list.
Graphs, graytone (not color) pictures and tables can be embedded in the electronic document.
On a separate page please provide (on separate lines) the title of your communication, the names of authors, their full addresses, and a list of 5 keywords.
In order to fit on the two pages limit, your abstract, including title, authors names and addresses should not be approximately longer than 6,000-6,400 characters. You must deduct the appropriate number of characters if your text includes figures or tables.
If you send an abstract longer or not formatted according to these rules you will be requested to change it in short time, otherwise it will not be included in the abstract book.
As for previous conferences, a pdf copy of the abstract book will be put on the web site before the beginning of the meeting.
Family X.Y.*, Family Z.K.°
*Department One, Laboratory One, University of Town, Old Street, Town, Country. Fax +XX-XXXXXXX e-mail: family@town.country
°Department Two, University of Town, Town, Country.
Text of the abstract, references [1] are in this way [2]. The text should not be longer than two A4 pages with appropriate margins, written in Times New Roman 12.
Reference List
[1] Reference one
[2] Reference two